Friday, April 24, 2009

What I Eat...

I read online that if you take photos of what you eat that you will become more aware of the foods you eat. Even moreso than journaling them. So I've decided to try it out. Everyday I am going to take a picture of all the foods I eat. Maybe it will encourage me to eat healthier. Also, it would be an excuse to take photos! The first few days are probably going to be quite healthy...just because I know I have to take a picture of I will try hard to make healthy choices. But we shall see! Here is day one:

Oatmeal + a Banana

Garlic and herb salmon + Broccoli with cheese
Basmati rice + glass of water

Two Fig Newtons + Two Goodie Rings

English muffin with cheese and strawberry jam
Rice pudding + Earl Gray tea

Fruit Leather

...not bad for the first day :)

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